Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Twenty is Plenty

This new web site helps pick up the Twenty is plenty campaign and how we can better campaign for it in our area have a look

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Will twenty now be plenty in Bath?

Bath MP Don Foster has reacted favourably to the news that the Conservative Council has finally backed the Liberal Democrat campaigning calling for 20mph speed limits for our residential streets, and are planning to trial lower speed limits next year.

Don said, “Liberal Democrats across Bath have been calling for this move for over two years. It has been one of our best supported campaigns. Across the city people know something needs to be done about speeding traffic in residential areas.

“The British Medical Association are already backing 20mph limits in residential areas. Residential streets need to be safer, especially for our children.

“While I am pleased that this trial will go ahead, the battle is not yet won as there is no firm commitment to ‘Twenty is Plenty’. I’d like to urge as many residents as possible to sign my petition so that we can continue to place pressure on the Council.

“This success is down to the hard work of local residents and a number of Liberal Democrat Councillors, which goes to show that local people can make a difference.”

You can sign Don’s petition at

Friday, 6 November 2009

New Litter bin required

We have asked that the old worn and and broken litter bin by St Saviours Church is replaced as soon as possible.

The current bin has certainly seen better days.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Nationwide first for BathRider bus ticket but at a cost

Bus passengers will be able to travel as many times as they want on Bath bus services whatever the operator because of a bus season ticket scheme created by Bath & North East Somerset Council and introduced by the commercial bus operators in Bath. Both Day and Week tickets will be available for adults and children.

The BathRider Scheme is a national first where a Council has used powers under the Transport Act 2000 to make a ticket scheme. All operators in the city are required to take part in the scheme which starts November 9th 2009.

Complex negotiations with commercial bus operators have taken place over the past six months. The Council is grateful to them for their co-operation, assistance, and advice in getting to a workable solution that will offer worthwhile benefits for passengers. Amongst those to benefit the scheme are children going to Ralph Allen School who need two buses to go to school and University students and staff who need more than one bus to get to campus. The ticket is not applicable to Park & Ride services or tour buses.

How does the BathRider work?

Passengers can buy their Daily or Weekly BathRider scratch cards at Bath Bus station; Tourist Information Centre – Abbey Churchyard; Tourism Centre –Bath Spa railway station (Platform 1); STA shop – Bath University.

When the date of travel is scratched off the ticket is then valid for the whole of that day. If it’s a weekly ticket the ticket is sealed over and is then valid for 7 days from the date scratched off. There is no limit to the number of times the ticket can be used that day or week, but the ticket must be shown to the driver each time it is used. The price (set by the bus operators) will be : Daily - £4.95 Adult/ £3.70 Child; Weekly - £17.50 Adult/ £16.50 Child.

Although we welcome the scheme we are concerned at the cost with a all day ticket costing £4.95 over a pound more than First Bus already exorbitant £3.90 for and all day ticket that is more expensive than the same one that they offer in Bristol. The cost of the Child weekly at £16.50 is rather over the top. We would suggest to Bus users that they check the most economical way to travel when they get on the bus.

In these cash straped times the bus companies should be thinking of users not their profit margins.

The BIG Transition Bath Event 14th November

Big Event tickets on sale now from the Bath Festivals Box Office
£10 (adult), £7 concessions, £5 (child 3-10) are available in person from the Bath Festivals Box Office, Abbey Green, Bath by calling (01225) 463362 or online at

the-transition-bath-big-eventWhat’s The Big Transition Bath Event?

* A day to find out what Transition Bath and many others are doing to make Bath a stronger, more sustainable community.
* A day to debate, swap skills, listen to inspiring eco thinkers and learn more.
* A day to find out how you can make a difference and help to create a more positive future for Bath.

Big Event organisers Jenny MacKewn, Genevieve Bartlett and Nathan Baranowski explain:
“The Big Transition Event will be a fun and creative day of talks and workshops – a chance to meet other like-minded people, listen to and debate with green living gurus and swap ideas and questions. It will be family-friendly with children made very welcome while parents network. If you seek to find out more about how best to go easy on our planet this is a day to inspire you.”

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Don calls for Commons commitment to 10:10

The 10:10 Campaign is calling on individuals and organisations to commit to trying to cut their carbon footprint by 10% in 2010. Bath Liberal Democrat MP Don Foster has already joined.

Last week (Wednesday 21st October) Don supported moves for the House of Commons to join the 10:10 campaign. Speaking in a debate on the issue he criticised the Labour Government for failing to back the proposal.

Don said, “The 10:10 campaign has so far been a real success, with many individuals and organisations signed up. The Government should be taking a lead, not just lecturing others on what they should be doing.

“That’s why I asked the Minister why she thought everyone else should sign up for 10:10, but not the House of Commons. Sadly I got no answer and most Labour MPs voted against the measure.

The debate was called by the Liberal Democrats, who were the first political party in this country to put climate change on the national agenda.

Don said, “It is disappointing that the government failed to give their support. The government needs to provide strong leadership on climate change, particularly in the run up to the Copenhagen Summit, and signing up the House of Commons to the 10:10 would have been a significant step in doing so.”

Monday, 19 October 2009

Local students could face £7,000 tuition fees

There is now less than eight months to save a new generation of young people from huge increases in university tuition fees, according to Liberal Democrat MP for Bath, Don Foster

Don was speaking after the Conservatives suggested they will increase tuition fees to £7,000 if they take power at the next general election, which has to be held by next June.

That will see tuition fees for undergraduates more than double. Currently there is a cap of £3,300 in England and Wales.

Peter Mandelson has already suggested that Labour will allow universities to charge more than at present if re-elected – though the party is too scared to push through the changes it wants before June.

Only the Liberal Democrats will scrap tuition fees. The party believes university education should be free and everyone who has the ability should be able to go – and not be put off by the cost.

Bath MP Don said: “I look around Bath and I see people return from university with no job and a bank balance tens of thousands of pounds in the red. What sort of message is that?

“Labour and now the Tories are showing their true colours. They don’t care about young people – they just want to saddle them with staggering amounts of debt.

“The choice is clear: the people of Bath can vote for a politician who will condemn a generation of youngsters or for the Liberal Democrats who will make education free again, giving young people the best possible start.”

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Bumper crop of planning applications

We have six planning applications to bring to your attention.
The first is for the erection of a single story side extension following the demolition of an existing conservatory at 20 Bennett's Road Lower Swainswick. The application reference number is 09/03498/FUL.
If you want to view the application or make any comments then please follow the link Here.

The next application is for the erection of a two story extension to ground and lower floors at 82 London Road West. The application reference number is 09/03343/FUL
If you want to view the application or make any comments then please follow the link Here.

The Third application is for Internal alterations to damp proofing of vault using Delta system at 170 London Road West. The application reference number is 09/03392/LBA
If you want to view the application or make any comments then please follow the link Here.

The fourth application is for Provision of loft conversion with 2 rear flat roof dormers at 77 Bay Tree Road Bath. The application reference number is 09/03471/FUL
If you want to view the application or make any comments then please follow the link Here.

The fifth application is for Internal alterations to reinstate the building into one house to include removing part of the dividing wall between the two ground floor rooms at 28 Lambridge Place. The application reference number is 09/03318/LBA
If you want to view the application or make any comments then please follow the link Here.

The sixth application is for the erection of a rear conservatory at 9 Roseland Close. The application reference number is 09/03553/FUL
If you want to view the application or make any comments then please follow the link Here.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Highway reports Lambridge

The latest Highway reports for the area were released this morning and show quite a bit of disturbance in the area over the next few weeks.

To see how you may be affected follow the link HERE

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Road closed – Park and Ride open

Bath & North East Somerset Council will be opening all three Park and Ride sites this weekend - including Sunday - during the crane removal at SouthGate, taking place from Friday 18th September until Monday 21st September 2009 and requiring the closure of Dorchester Street.

This is the second and final phase of removing the most southerly cranes from SouthGate, an exciting milestone for the project. Bath & North East Somerset Council must close Dorchester Street in the interests of public safety. To reduce the impact on traffic congestion on Sunday the Council is opening the Park and Rides as a one-off.

All the Bath Park & Rides will be open on Sunday 20th September from 9.30am to 6.00pm. The charge for the day is £2.00 return. People can find out more by visiting:

Because of the complexity of the dismantling and need to use a mobile 500 tonne crane to undertake the operation a temporary road closure on Dorchester Street is required. Bus services using SouthGate bus station will still be operational. First Bus will have an inspector on site dedicated to providing information to the travelling public regarding the changes to the bus services.

The temporary road closure extends from from 2000hrs on Friday 18th September to 0600hrs on Monday 21st September 2009.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

We have two planning applications to bring to your attention this week the first one is at 1 Otago Terrace Larkhall and is for the Change of use of ground floor from consulting and treatment rooms (Use Class D1) to self contained flat (Use Class C3)

If you want to view this application or make a comment then please follow the Link HERE.

The second application is for the erection of an extension to school to provide additional office accommodation at St Saviours Junior School.

If you want to view this application or make a comment then follow the link HERE

Keep safe this winter

From September 29 - October 2 Bath & North East Somerset Council will be carrying out free electric blanket testing across the area.

Appointments for Bath residents area available but booking an appointment is essential.

If you use an electric blanket, or know friends, relatives or neighbours who use one, book in for a test at Bath Fire Station on October 1st.

To book an appointment call Kellie on 01225 396759.

Other local organisations that offer services to local residents to help them keep safe, healthy and active will also be at the sessions.

These include Avon Fire and Rescue Service, who will promote free home fire safety checks and smoke alarms, Age Concern, Wiltshire Farm Foods and Care and Repair. Staff from the Council’s Sport and Active Leisure and Community Development teams will also be there with information about activities in local areas.

Department for Transport will look to support Sat Nav scheme

The Department for Transport will be sending a representative to the next meeting of the South West Regional Freight Forum, following Bath MP Don Foster’s request that they support a local pilot scheme which will see local authorities provide appropriate routes to Sat Nav companies.

In reply to Don’s letter, sent on the 12th August, Paul Clark MP the Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Transport states that the work undertaken “sounds potentially very promising”.

Lib Dems in Bath have been backing calls for more appropriate routes for traffic, especially HGVs, and encouraged Bath & North East Somerset Council to start sending a representative to the Freight Forum. Now the DfT will be represented at the meetings and will “consider what support [they] can provide.”

Bath MP Don said, “I am pleased that the Department for Transport are showing a keen interest in this project. I have highlighted a number of areas in Bath where HGVs are using totally inappropriate routes and getting these routes removed from Sat Nav maps will be a big step to helping resolve the problem.

‘Tackling the Fiscal Crisis: A recovery plan for the UK’

Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor, Vince Cable launched a pamphlet today published by the independent think tank Reform setting out proposals for tackling the fiscal crisis.

In this pamphlet, he argues that there should be no “ring fenced” areas of spending and that all existing spending should be justified.

He claims that the situation is very probably more serious than the Government’s proposals for a fiscal tightening of 6.4% of GDP over eight years suggest. He argues that a fiscal consolidation of 8% of GDP over five years is more realistic, with the emphasis on controlling public spending, not higher taxes.

Nine specific areas of potential savings are identified as a start to a radical programme of reform. The main proposals are:


Zero growth overall for public sector pay (saving £2.4bn a year), a 25% reduction in the total pay bill of staff earning over £100,000 and a salary freeze and end of bonuses for the civil service (saving £200m a year)

Tapering the family element of the tax credit – saving £1.35bn

A radical review of public sector pensions with the view to moving to higher employee contributions and later retirement ages. There is currently a £28bn subsidy to unfunded schemes

Scrapping several major IT systems including the ID card scheme (£5bn over 10 years), Contactpoint (£200m over five years), the NHS IT scheme (£250m over the next five years) and the proposed ‘super database’ (£6bn)

Curbing ‘industrial policy’, including scrapping Regional Development Agencies (£2.3bn annually) and ECGD subsidies (£100m annually) and reducing (by at least half) the Train to Gain and Skills Councils budgets (£990m together a year)

Reforming the National Health Service, by reducing the centralisation and over-administration - starting by scrapping Strategic Health Authorities (£200m a year) – by strengthening commissioning and with ‘supply side reform’ - in particular tariff reform could save around £2bn a year

Curbing the centralisation in education, by cutting national strategies and scrapping quangos – saving around £600m a year

Reducing the amount of waste in the defence procurement process, including scrapping the Eurofighter and Tranche 3 (£5bn over 6 years), the A400M (total cost £22bn), Nimrod MRA4, the Defence Training Review contract (£13bn over 25 years) and the Trident submarine successor (£70bn over 25 years)

Examining possible future public sector asset sales, including some aspects of the Highways Agency (land value of £80bn) and intangibles such as spectrum, landing rights and emissions trading

Commenting, Vince Cable said:

“The time for generalities is over.

“Instead, we need serious proposals for cutting public spending and tackling the UK’s budget deficit.

“The priority is to move the economy out of recession but there is also a need to restore fiscal credibility and to allow Government to focus its resources where are they are most needed.

“We need to debate when, how and where the cuts will come.

“Undoubtedly more are required to meet the exacting fiscal disciplines but asking the British public for their vote at the next election means being upfront from the outset about what Government should and should not be spending its money on.”

Friday, 4 September 2009

Yet more Fly tipping

And if the fly-tip in the car park was not enough Raine found the next bin along the way had exactly the same problem. A nice Council sticker and the fly-tip still there. We have asked for this to be removed as well.

Fly Tipping in Car Park

Quill Harvey-Cantrell was dismayed to see the latest fly-tip at the bin in the New Oriel Hall car park. He was even more dismayed to see the Council sticker on the top advising people they could be fined for fly tipping.

"Why go all the way to put a sticker on the bin and not take away the rubbish!!! I have asked the Council to remove this fly-tip"

Monday, 17 August 2009

Don backs Live Music Bill

Bath MP Don Foster is backing the Live Music Bill put forward by Lib Dem Peer Lord Clement-Jones. Don has also signed a petition on the number 10 website, calling on the government to change laws which came into place as part of the 2003 Licensing Act.

The Live Music Bill aims to revive live music by:

Creating an exemption from licences for the performance of any live music in a pub or similar venue

Reintroducing the rule allowing up to two performers to play live music anywhere without the need for a licence

Enabling hospitals, schools and colleges to perform live music without the need for licences

Don said, “When the licensing laws were changed in 2003 we were promised an explosion of live music, but in reality many small scale events have been stifled by bureaucracy.

“This Bill will not only make it easier for local musicians to get a gig, but it will help small venues who cannot cope with the cost of applying for a license.

“It is time that common sense prevailed, and small venues, hospitals and schools were allowed to host live music without having to cope with an expensive, bureaucratic nightmare.”

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Bath says last farewell to Harry Patch

Combe Down came to a standstill today as residents paid their final respects to First World War hero Harry Patch.

Hundreds of people, young and old, stood out in the rain to honour the Last Tommy, who was born and grew up in the village.

Residents, shop owners and workers were among the many who lined the streets to see his funeral cortege pass through The Avenue, up The Firs and onto North Road following the funeral service in Wells Cathedral.

to read the full story follow the link HERE

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Overflowing dog bin a disgrace

The bin behind the garages at the junction of Uphill Drive and Coxley Drive is overflowing yet again.Liberal Democrat campaigner Raine Harvey-Cantrel has reported this to the Council and asked for it to be emptied immediately as it poses a health hazzard.

Fly-tipping site reported

Liberal Democrat Campaigner Raine Harvey-Cantrell has reported this fly-tipping problem found at the end of the path between Uphill and Coxley Drive to the Council and asked for it to be cleaned up.

New B&NES Supplementary Planning Doc on Planning Obligations adopted

The Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document was adopted by Bath & North East Somerset Council on 8th July 2009, it will come into effect for all applications registered on or after 9th July 2009.

The aim of this Supplementary Planning Document is to provide clear guidance on the Council’s approach to Planning Obligations. Planning Obligations on developers are used to secure affordable housing and financial contributions to mitigate the impact of new development on social and other infrastructure such as roads and community facilities.

The SPD will provide the general public, landowners, developers and other stakeholders with clarity about the process by which planning obligations will be sought, when they will be sought and what they will be sought for.

To read the Document follow the link HERE

Monday, 3 August 2009

Book of Condolence open for war hero

Bath & North East Somerset Council is opening a Book of Condolence which will give members of the public an opportunity to pay their respects to Harry Patch. It will be available for members of the public to sign from Monday August 3 – Friday August 14, on Mondays to Fridays from 8am – 6pm.

The book will be available in the Guildhall as of today and at the Councils other offices at Keynsham & Midsomer Norton from Thursday.

The Council will also be putting up a special commemorative brass plaque at The Guildhall to celebrate his life and dedication to his country. Harry was the last British soldier from the First World War. He was born in Combe Down, Bath, in 1898 and died on July 25 aged 111.
The plaque will be unveiled in October at a special ceremony. Further details will be announced closer to the date.

Thursday, 30 July 2009

new planning Use Class Order for HMOs

The government is thinking of changing the rules on HMOs (houses in multiple occupation, or shared houses) - and they are asking us what we think! Now we have a chance to tip the balance in favour of residents.

Parts of Bath have a problem with HMOs. Of course, there's nothing wrong with sharing a house, as such. But there's something seriously wrong with a neighbourhood where most of the houses are HMOs.

This is now the case in the neighbourhoods in parts of Bath. Few live in HMOs for very long, so what this means is a constantly changing population. Constant change breaks the links on which communities depend. As HMOs increase, community spirit decreases. There are now streets in where temporary tenants outnumber longer term residents. The results are all too obvious in the changes that have overtaken these neighbourhoods in the last decade or two.

But it's not only our area which is affected. Most university towns now have concentrations of HMOs. And not only these - there are huge problems in seaside towns where guest-houses have been turned into HMOs, and in many market towns gang masters have bought up HMOs for seasonal workers.

As a result, residents groups from all over the country have joined the National HMO Lobby, a network of community associations pioneered by the Leeds HMO Lobby. Locally the Bath Federation of Residents Associations are members. In addition, there is a parallel national group of local councillors, of which Cllr Shaun McGall Oldfield ward is a member. Don Foster, our MP here in Bath, is a member of the parliamentary Group working on these issues.

Together they have campaigned for ten years to get government nationally to bring in legislation which will enable government locally to resist concentrations of HMOs. They helped to bring in licensing of HMOs with the Housing Act 2004, and the highly successful voluntary local accreditation scheme for HMOs

But licences and accreditation schemes don't resist HMOs - for this, new planning legislation is needed.

At the moment no permission is needed to convert a family house to a HMO - so anyone can do so, landlords, buy-to-let investors, student parents ... There's nothing the Council can do without new powers. So we have been campaigning for a change to the Use Classes Order, the relevant regulation. Colleagues in Loughborough, Nottingham and Southampton have shown ministers what the problems are in their areas. So last year, we got the government to commission a report on HMOs - and this recommended consultation on new legislation. The consultation paper agrees that concentrations of HMOs cause problems. It suggests three courses of action, and is seeking the views of the public on these.

Option 1 is to rely on existing ‘good practice', like the things we've done in Bath to try to tackle the problem - but we know it doesn't work!

Option 2 is to change the Use Classes Order, so that HMOs need planning permission - this is obviously what is needed, and what we've campaigned for so long. On its own it won't solve the problem, but it is essential to prevent it getting any worse, here and elsewhere.

Option 3is a complicated proposal to allow HMOs anywhere at all - except where the government agrees to give special powers to councils in limited areas (Article 4 Directions). This is basically unworkable.

We have until 7 August to persuade the government to act on Option 2.

What can you do to help?

Many Bath Councillors have written make sure that your has as has. Don Foster, our MP here in Bath. So too can you, the more voices the better!

Please join us in writing to the Government if you need help with your letter or email then please contact us.

The email address for replies is: (subject: HMO Consultation);

The postal address is:

Susan Turner,
Planning System Improvement Division,
Department for Communities and Local Government,
Zone 1/J10,
Eland House,
Bressenden Place,

The deadline is 7 August 2009.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Local Planning applications

We have just one planning application in our area this week and that is for the erection of single storey rear extension at 8 Whitewells Road Fairfield Park Bath.

If you want to know more about the application or to make a comment then follow the link HERE

Road reports for Lambridge

The latest highway reports are now available for our area to view please follow the link to find out how these road works may affect you HERE

To see Major Highway reports for Bath & North East Somerset follow the link HERE
To report a highway repair follow the link HERE

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Serial arsonist admits starting Bath blazes

A Bath arsonist who set fire to bins across the city yesterday admitted nine charges of arson.
To read the full story follow the link HERE

Friday, 17 July 2009

New fire control centre delayed

Is this another waste of money read below?. We have a perfectly good control Centre here in Bath.

The opening of a regional fire control centre covering the west country has been delayed until May 2011, Fire Minister Shahid Malik said.

The centre, which is opposed by the fire brigades union, will handle emergency calls from Gloucestershire in the north to Cornwall in the south.

It was supposed to open two years ago, but has been delayed again because of problems with the IT system.

The government said it was a complex project which would deliver benefits.

"In recent months it has become clear that technical problems with developing the IT system in a way which will meet all our and Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) requirements mean that further time is needed to complete the project," said the minister.

'Dead parrot'

Responding to the announcement the Fire Brigades Union said the project was "like Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch with everyone knowing it was dead apart from government which insists it is still alive".

John Drake, Regional Secretary of the FBU said: "It's going from the sublime to the ridiculous.

"The gut reaction is at a time when fire authorities are facing severe financial constraints and cutbacks in public spending it's absolutely immoral the government is throwing huge amounts of tax payers money that' s going nowhere.

"The money would be better used on frontline services throughout the south west."

Regionally the union said the additional 10-month delay will cost a further £1,548,930.

In a statement it said: "The South West Regional Control Centre has cost a total of £2,066,107 in rent and other building costs from the date it was completed until February 2009.

"The government estimates that on-going monthly costs are £154,893 from February 2009 until the date the first fire brigade moves into the building in July 2010.

"Based on those costs, the price from February 2009 to July 2010 will be £2,478,288, making a grand total of £4,544,395 in rents and other costs from completing the building to becoming operational under the old timetable.

The control room at Blackbrook Business Park, Taunton, will cover Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, the greater Bristol area, Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall.

The facility is one of the government's nine planned regional control centres for England replacing the current 46 control centres.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Loacl Planing applications

We intend bring you all of the planning applications in Lambrdge ward every week and this week we have one application for you to look at or comments on.

The application is for the erection of rear conservatory following demolition of existing lean to conservatory and flat roofed toilet and reinstate railings and gate to front of house at 3 Victoria Place St Saviour's Road Larkhall Bath.

If you want to view this application or make comments then please follow the link by cutting and dropping this into your browser

There is also a listed building application at the same house and you can view that application by following the link by cutting and dropping this into your browser.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Proposed BRT route must surely be dead

Responding to the decision of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Development Control Committee to defer the decision on the proposed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route, and Newbridge park & ride extension, once again, Bath MP Don Foster has said that the scheme must surely now be dead.

Don said, “If only the Conservative Council had listened to what I said at a Council meeting in September, and what Liberal Democrat Councillors have been saying for months: more work was needed into alternative routes, and residents needed to be involved in the process.

“The Council did not heed this advice, and with the proposed-BRT route twice having failed to pass through planning it is time for the Council to go right back to the beginning.

“The Conservatives have mismanaged this process, and could well be putting the government money at risk. Had they taken onboard my comments last autumn, then this would not be the case.”

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

New planning application

We are now going to publish all of the planning applications that are received by Bath & North East Somerset Council each week for your information and for you to be able to comment upon.

We have just on application this week and that is for the Erection of new dwelling on site of car park at 166A London Road West Lower Swainswick Bath if you would like to view the application and or make a comment then please follow the link

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Thank you

We would like to thank the residents who we met on Friday evening for giving us such a warm welcome when we called on them as part of Don Foster's team.

We are following up on requests for information from some people and fro particular problems that others have raised. We will be calling on many more residents in the coming weeks and months but if you need to contact Don Foster or a member of the team then please phone on 338973 or write to Don Foster MP 31 James Street West Bath.

A few of Don's team out on Friday 3rd July

Friday, 3 July 2009

Baby unit appeal breakthrough

It is good news that the Royal United Hospital has been able to put up the extra cash to enable the new Special care baby unit to be built this year.

The appeal still needs to raise another £1.5 million but this is a huge step forward. Many families in Bath have benefited and we know that they will be delighted with this good news.

To read the full story follow the link HERE

Anger on Julian House funding decision

The Government have axed £2.5 million of funding for a new hostel facility for homeless people in Bath.

The Homes & Community Agency had demanded an ‘aspirational design’ considered by the Council to be far beyond the requirements of a new hostel facility and beyond what could be afforded. The result of this slowed the process to the point where the Homes & Community Agency decided the Council was unable to meet the timescale previously agreed.

As part of the Places for Change Project, the Council explored a number of different sites for the new facility undertaking detailed viability assessments on two of these sites. The Government demanded the project be completed by mid-2011 which allowed three years from inception to completion.

"The circumstances relating to the loss of this funding would seem to be another example of the lack of a 'can-do' attitude for which this Council leadership has previously been criticised. It's unfortunate that the Cabinet member failed to broker a compromise with the Homes and Community Agency within the set timescale."

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Twenty is Plenty

Many people have been telling us that they feel that traffic goes to fast on our local streets and causes a danger for pedestrians.

Lambridge Liberal Democrats and local MP Don Foster launched a petition calling for a Twenty Miles per hour speed limit on all residential roads in our City.

Why not join us in this call by signing our Twenty is Plenty petition by following this link

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Christmas market must benefit local businesses, suppliers and people

Bath Lib Dem MP Don Foster has today written to the Chief Executive of Bath Tourism Plus, Robin Bischert, questioning the tendering process that led to the catering contract for the Bath Christmas Market being awarded to an Oxfordshire company.

Don has asked for a list of the criteria that were used to make the decision, as well as how much weighting was given to each issue.

In the letter, Don says, “[I am] extremely concerned about both the procedures adopted and the outcome.

“…what does seem very clear is that the key determinant in the decision was a financial one rather than - as I would have hoped - a range of issues including how the various proposals would best help the local economy.”

The group of Bath businesses who missed out on the contract have called into question the fairness of the tendering process. Don has addressed this issue in his letter, saying,

“It has been suggested, for example, that while the local bid team were expected to provide full details of the menus to be available at each of the 6 chalets, Supreme Sausages bid did not include such detailed information.”

Bath MP Don has called for the Christmas Market to benefit local businesses, suppliers and people as, “After all, the purpose of the Christmas Market was to act as a driver for the local economy. If we merely get a lot of businesses in to the centre of Bath yet allow the jobs and supplies to come from outside Bath and the profits to flow out of the city, the benefit is minimal.”

The Lib Dem MP has also written to Supreme Sausages Managing Director Paul Garrish to ask for reassurances that local suppliers will be used as widely as possible, and that local people will be given the chance to staff the catering chalets.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Highway Reports for our Local area

To see the road reports for our Local area please follow the link HERE

To see the road reports that may affect tour travel in the Bath & North East Somerset area follow the link HERE

To report a Highways issue danger follow the link HERE

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Bath & North East Somerset Consultation on Gambling Policy

The review of the 'Statement of Licensing Principles') is currently open for consultation until the end of August. This new policy will include a section on casinos. The consultation papers can be found at:

If you cannot access this online please contact the licensing team on 01225 477557, and they can arrange to get a printed copy. Comments should be in writing and sent to the Licensing Team by email or post by 31 August 2009 to, or Licensing Team, Bath & North East Somerset Council, 9-10 Bath Street, Bath, BA1 1SN.

Broken Play Equipment

We have complained about the poor state of the play equipment in the Play area between Uphill & Coxley

The current play equipment is dangerous and we have asked for its urgent repair or removal we have also asked if there are any plans to upgrade the equipment in this play area.

Play area bin not emptied

We have asked that the overflowing bin in the play area between Uphill & Coxley is emptied as a matter of urgency. It is unfair for young children that use this play for the bin not to be emptied on a regular basis.

We have also asked that the bin is emptied on a more regular basis.

Overgrown Path Uphill Drive

We have asked that the overgrown path shown in the picture is cleared up as soon as possible. We are concerned that this path that runs up by the side of 35 has been allowed to get into this state without being cut back before now.

This overgrowth is particularly unpleasant in wet weather and unless it is cleared soon the path will not be unusable.

Clean this up

With the change to same day collection of waste several residents in Uphill Drive are complaining that the litter teams are not sweeping up after the refuse bags have been collected.

The picture attached was taken on Friday after the Thursday collection and shows the residual litter left after collection at the top of the steps in the 49-57 area.

We have asked the Council to make sure that they always clean up the area after the collection has taken place.