Monday, 31 March 2008

National parking laws will be enforced locally

Bath & North East Somerset Council will be implementing new national parking laws which aim to keep roads safe and help beat traffic congestion.

The new regulations, which come into effect today (Monday 31 March) are designed to make parking fairer, simpler and easier for motorists.

The main changes taking place under the Traffic Management Act include:

The introduction of two levels of penalty charge;
Ø £50 lower charge for lesser offences such as overstaying at a parking meter and a
Ø £70 higher penalty for more serious offences such as parking on a double yellow line, bus stopping areas or in loading bays.

Penalty notices can be served by post in some circumstances, for instance when a motorist drives off before the notice can be fully issued, or, when it is safer for the attendant to issue a notice by post using camera evidence.

Wheel clamping can be used for persistent offenders*

Councils to produce annual reports on parking activities

Greater powers for independent parking adjudicators

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