Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Planning documents out for public consultation

Bath & North East Somerset Council is seeking residents’ views on locally important buildings and on planning policies relating to existing houses in the Green Belt.

Two new documents are out for consultation from 10 April – 22 May. Both supplement local planning policies outlined in the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan.

The draft Locally Important Buildings Supplementary Planning document gives details on the selection criteria for locally important buildings and proposes how buildings will be nominated and considered for inclusion on the local list.

Once the document has been agreed and adopted, parish councils, amenity societies and the general public will be able to nominate buildings or structures to be considered for local listing. The local list will complement the existing statutory list of nationally important buildings, of architectural and historic interest.

The document regarding Existing Dwellings in the Green Belt aims to provide further information and guidance on the approach the Council, as a Local Planning Authority, should take regarding extensions to dwellings in the Green Belt, and the circumstances under which replacement dwellings will be acceptable. This document aims to provide clearer advice and guidance for the benefit of members of the public, planning officers and Council Members.

The Bristol-Bath Green Belt was designated in 1966. The Green Belt in Bath & North East Somerset covers just over 70% of the total area of the district.

A significant number of planning applications for extensions to existing residential properties in the Green Belt and a lesser number of applications for replacement dwellings are dealt with by the Council each year. The majority of these are householder applications are submitted by the general public.

Copies of the documents can be viewed in all public libraries in the district and in Council offices. Alternatively, they can be viewed on the Council’s website:

The Council welcomes comments from the public or interested groups. A drop-in session has also been arranged for Wednesday 23 April, from 9am – 1pm at the Council’s Planning Office, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath. The Council can also be contacted by phone, email or letter with any comments or queries about the documents: Planning Services, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP; ; Tel: 01225 477548.

Following consideration of the comments received and a formal adoption process it is anticipated that these new supplementary planning documents will come into force from August 2008.

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